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Tuesday, January 4, 2005

More pictures

These are some pictures that Barb took. Me with my pal Pooh:

And on the People Mover. It's called something else now that I can't remember . . . The Tomorrowland Transport Authority? TTA? Something like that.

And one of the whole group, taken by the waiter at the Brown Derby restaurant at MGM. Barb, Bob, me, Bob's mom Irene and his dad Bob. And no, I don't know why Bob had his arm around Barb and not me . . . :)

We had a good time despite it being so cold. We really lucked out here at home last week, with temperatures in the 60's. We're paying for it now, though -- it's bitterly cold, and we're under a Winter Weather Advisory or something, expecting an ice storm this afternoon.

Bob called and said he was making a run to the grocery store, then he called me from the grocery store and said it was packed. He said they had run out of shopping carts, and the lines were so long that people were abandoning their carts and just giving up. That seems a little extreme to me, but it makes him happy to prepare for emergencies, so who am I to argue? I guess it's better than not being prepared.

Bob really loves preparing for emergencies. He loves making lists (well, I love making lists, too), and he loves to stockpile stuff -- canned goods and meat and batteries. Does yarn count? I have a pretty good stockpile of yarn. If we ever did have a real emergency, I could knit sweaters. And socks! Lots and lots of socks.

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