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Sunday, January 2, 2005

Starting the new year right

I had almost forgotten about my contest to give away the stitch markers; I was reminded today when I got out my knitting and saw them on my needles. I wish I could give a set to everyone who send in their name, because almost everyone who did, I recognized, and most of us have corresponded about knitting. But I had seven sets made up, so I decided to give away six. I had Bob draw the names, and he drew: Max, Chel, Melanie, Jene, Joy, and J. Wood. I emailed everybody and asked for mailing addresses, so once I go out and get some padded envelopes, I'll send them out to you!

I tried again to take a photograph of them, but I still didn't have any luck. I think since they're shiny, it needs to be a sunny day, and no flash, but I just haven't been able to do that yet.

Speaking of contests, I don't think I mentioned that I did draw names last month for the "Miracle" contest, and Jean won that one.

 * * *

I started the New Year by basically hibernating, and it was wonderful! I didn't leave the house all weekend. Bob got up before dawn to go hunting, so after he left I went back to sleep and slept until 9:30 or so, snuggled up with the cats. After I got up, I took a long, hot bubble bath, then read for awhile, then curled up with my knitting and watched Notting Hill on DVD.

I ate some black-eyed peas that were left over from yesterday (we always eat black-eyed peas on New Year's Day for luck), a little cheese, some spinach dip, and a few chocolates. It was just a really nice day. Yesterday was nice, too, although I gave myself a knitting injury.

I'd been knitting some scarves on BIG needles -- size 15 -- and I'm just not used to that. It takes awhile for the pain to show up, but it finally did, and I went up and took a nap at about 7:00 with the heating pad. It always seems so luxurious to take a nap; I haven't done it for awhile, so the novelty made it even more luxurious.

Back to work tomorrow, so, as it's 10:45, I suppose I should be thinking about getting to bed . . .

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