Sunday, July 19, 1998
Those thoughts just came to me this weekend while I was putting together the day planner pages, copying phone numbers over from the old one onto the new phone/address sheets, and even more today while I was out buying new underwear and shoes. Weekends are always a little bit like that for me, anyway, getting ready to go back to work after just a couple of days, making lists of things like:
- Fill up aspirin bottle
- Clean out purse
- Put hand lotion in bag
- Stamps!
- Mail bills
- Take checkbook
- Get cash for lunch
I've always been silly about being completely prepared for things. It's not as though I'm leaving the country, or even going away to school. I'm just driving across town to a new job, but that's a fairly remarkable experience for me. I wonder if Bob would take a picture of me as I drive away . . . Remember those "first day of school" pictures? Mine is a movie--me standing in the driveway, my hair in a ponytail, brushed until it gleamed, wearing a little dress with a full skirt and starchy petticoats so that it stood out on the sides, white socks and black patent leather shoes with a strap across the top.
I remember arranging everything in one of those cardboard school boxes, like a cigar box but printed with school buses and things like that. I still have one in the basement, I think. It's full of View Master reels now, but I can remember when it was full of pencils and erasers and the various implements of school days. Speaking of View Masters, I really used to love those. I can remember spending hours poring over the lists of available reels that came in the package and making lists of the ones I wanted to buy.
I remember being particularly enamoured of the ones depicting British scenes. I had one about Madame Tussaud's wax museum that I found especially fascinating. And "Heidi" was another favorite. I hadn't thought about those in years. Maybe I'll go downstairs and dig them out. I imagine the View Master viewers are probably electric by now . . .