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Tuesday, January 11, 2005


I couldn't seem to wake up this morning. I hit the snooze button a couple of extra times, and finally ended up waking about 20 minutes late. Not a catastrophe. I got to work on time, I just had to shorten my morning web surfing/email answering a little bit. I suppose I could cut that out altogether, and get to work at 8:00 instead of 9:00, but I kind of like easing into the day that way.

Although lately it ends up being more an exercise in deleting email. I'm getting around 1,000 spam emails a day now, and yes, I do filter them, so only a few are actually delivered to my inbox, but I still have to deal with them by taking a cursory glance at the subjects to be sure that nothing real is getting missed. The occasional email that I actually want that is delivered erroneously to the junk mailbox makes me continue to check it, at least briefly.

Lately it's been less porn and more stock tips. Like, several hundred a day. I don't know what's going on with that, but it's very annoying, and harder for the spam filter to understand, apparently, since more of them are ending up in my inbox. Maybe that's the point.

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