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Friday, February 4, 2005


It's a beautiful day here today--55 degrees, I heard someone say--cool and breezy and sunny. It makes me think of Spring. Bob called and said that I should get outside and do something, that I should at least go out and stand on the deck, so I did--went out and stood on the deck. That was about all the "outside" time I could manage, although I really should make a point of getting out and taking a walk on the days that it's nice. I've gotten out of the habit of doing that over the winter.

I did go to the gym last night and walk on the treadmill. I've been listening to the iPod, and that helps with the boredom tremendously, but most of my music is pretty low-key, and I decided I needed to make a "workout" playlist, so I did that over the weekend, using what I had to work with, and it helped a lot to have more up-tempo music to work out to. I added some more songs to it last night, after scrounging through the CDs that we have and picking out a few tracks. When I first ripped my CDs to the computer, I stayed away from the uptempo ones because I was mostly using the iPod when I needed something at work that would a) shut out the noise and distraction around me and b) not be too noisy or distracting itself.

So most of the stuff I had on it was folk/easy listening/soft rock--stuff that I was pretty familiar with. And as Bob pointed out, depressing stuff. It's one of those things that I don't think about too much, but every time he listens to any of my music, he points it out, and I become aware of it when he mentions it.

He had picked out a bunch of tracks in iTunes one night this week, and before I burned a CD for him, I asked him if he was interested in any of my music. He said he doubted it, but we went through a lot of it, playing snippets, to see if there was anything he liked. He picked out a few, but it made me very aware that most of my musical selections are sad--lost love, people dying, sadness, depression . . .

But those are the things that I'm drawn to, the things that I find interesting, I guess. I don't know. I can't explain it. I was down the other night and he said, "Go put on some Beach Boys music!" I didn't, but I understand the reasoning behind it.

Anyway, my workout playlist:

  • Don't Pay the Ferryman - Chris DeBurgh
  • Working on It - Chris Rea
  • Square Peg, Round Hole - Chris Rea
  • Yeah . . . But What do Men Want? - David Knopfler
  • Big Cadillac - David Olney
  • Sultans of Swing - Dire Straits
  • I feel So Good - Richard Thompson
  • Pipeline - The Routers
  • The Road to Hell - Chris Rea
  • Walk Softly on This Heart of Mine - Kentucky Headhunters
  • Mary Mac - Off Kilter
  • Take Me to the River - The Commitments
  • This Love's Gonna Fly - The Cactus Brothers
  • Muddy Water - Keb' Mo'
  • Devil Wind - The Cactus Brothers
  • Room at the Top - Adam Ant

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